There's excitement a comin' here at GHIR!  In less than two weeks, on Friday the 17th of September, GHIR will be hosting it's 3rd "official" event....."1000 Liters of Glenlivet Hills"!  This will be the third "race" gathering of my friends and neighbors (the guys, that is - and yes, you, Shelly)!  The first two events "Drunken Daddy 500" and "Sober Daddy 500" (which, by the way, was NOT...LOL) were a lot of fun.  For most of the folks attending, it was their first experience(s) with slot cars.  Most everyone seems to have figured it out and the races are getting better and better with each event!  Heck, we even have a few guys threatening to buy their own car (Matt and..., you know who you are!)  For these two race events, and for the upcoming "1000 Liters of Glenlivet Hills" we run the races IROC style...that is 3 cars, each staying in it's own lane and each driver cycles through all three lanes.  Best combined results is the winner!  I'm really hoping this next event is the best yet!

Sometime during the next 2 weeks I should be receiving a box of 18 of the finest slot cars known to man!  The Slot Car Illustrated "World Touring Car Championship" Proxy races are coming to GHIR for round 8 of the series!  Why am I excited about this you may ask?  Well, let me tell you!  Since I started playing with these toy cars a while back, I've struggled to learn exactly how to make them perform up to their potential.  This is an opportunity to run my car against 17 other guys that know how to "tune" a slot car!  I'll have the opportunity to look them over closely and drive each one.  If I don't gain some new knowledge from that, you can call me stupid (watch it Dom!)!  Still working on the exact race format for this but, it should be done with 2 or 3 drivers (on per lane, always staying on their lane) running each car once.

Anyway, hope to see you all here sometime.....

Gotta go play with my toys!
